Halooo.... Semoga bermanfaat

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2022





Read carefully and choose the best answer between A, B, C, or D,


Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 4

Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly they meets Aji, Friend of Faiz outside of the cinema.

Faiz     : Hello Aji, Good Afternoon.

Aji       : Good Afternoon, Faiz (1)..........................?

Faiz     : I’m fine thank you and how about you?

Aji       : (2).................................

Faiz     : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki.

Aji       : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. (3)...........................

Rizki    : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you too.

Faiz     : Well Aji, I think we have to go now, the movie is started to play.

Aji       : Oh okay, (4)...........................

Faiz     : See you.


1.        a. nice to meet you

b. where are you?

c. How are you?

d. glad to see you


2.        a. I’m fine too.

b. nice to meet you.

c. good to see you.

d. see you later.


3.        a. How are you?

b. Good afternoon.

c. Nice to meet you.

d. Glad to see you.


4.        a. Where are you going?

b. See you later.

c. How are you?

d. Nice to meet you.


5.        Ciko         : .................., where are you going?

Vita          : Good afternoon, I’ll have lunch at the canteen.

Ciko         : Let’s go together.

a.       Good night.

b.      Good morning

c.       Good afternoon

d.      Good bye.


6.        Ester         : I’m Ester. How do you do?

Fitri          : .............. I’m Fitriyani Maida.

a.    Are you ok?

b.    How are you?

c.    How do you do.

d.   I am fine.


7.        Bobby      : Hi, Ace. ..........

Ace           : Great! How about you?

Bobby      : It’s good, thanks.

a.       What are you doing?

b.      Where have you been?

c.       What is she doing?

d.      How are you


8.        The way to ask someone’s news is?

a.    How is life?

b.    Where are you?

c.    What is that?

d.   Do you like it?


9.        It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Gina will go to school. She says......... to his parents.

a.    Good night

b.    Good afternoon

c.    Good bye.

d.   Good morning.


10.   It’s nine o’clock in the night. Gia will go to sleep. He says....... to his parents

a.       Good night

b.      Good afternoon

c.       Good bye.

d.      Good morning

11.     Which one in the following is the expression of  leave-taking?

a.       We have had a wonderful time.

b.      How do you do?

c.       How are you today?

d.      I am sorry, I have to leave now.

12.     Grace       : I’m afraid, I’ll have to go now.

Sinta         : Yes, good night, Sinta

Grace        : Good night, see you tomorrow.

The underlined words means that Sinta wanted to .......... Grace

a.       Invite

b.      Leave

c.       Introduce

d.      Greet


13.  Before Widi goes to school in the morning, what she says to her parent?

a.       Chase my way.

b.      Go away to school

c.       Just go.

d.      Cheerio.


14.  Teacher    : I think that’s all for today, any question?

Students   : No Miss.

Teacher     : Alright, then see you tomorrow class!

The underlined words expresses......

a.       Congratulation.

b.      Apologizing.

c.       Leave taking.

d.      Greeting.


15.  You are sending a friend off at the airport.he is going on a holiday. Just before she boards the plane, you say to her......

a.       Have a safe journey.

b.      Drive carefully.

c.       I am fine.

d.      Good job.


This chart is for number 16 to 18










16.  Mr. Joko has... children.

a. one

c. three

d. four

b. two

17.  Utami is Mrs. Vivi's.....

a. daughter

b. daughter in-law

C. sister

d. sister in-law

18.  Wahid is Bagas

a. son

c. uncle

b. grandfather

d. nephew

Fill in the blanks to answer questions number 19 to 22

Good morning my friends. (19) .....is Giovanni. I'd like to tell you about my family. My father's name is Mr. Santosa. My mother's name is Mrs. Suryandari. (20)...... have two sons. I am their younger son. I have an older brother. (21)... name is Kaka. He is married. He and his wife have a daughter named Cindy My (22)... is very cute.

19.  a. My name

b. Your name

c. hername

his name

20.  a. I

b. You

c. we

d. They

21.  a. Her

b. His

c. Him

d. Hers

22.  a. Sister

b. cousin

c. Niece

d. Nephew

23.  Sari: Hi, Santi. Who is he? Santi: He is my new friend. Please, ... Budi

Sari: Hi, I'am Sari. Nice to meet you.

 a. nice to meet you

b. meet

c. I'm

d. Who are youo

24. Soal HOTS

A: .........

B: I'm a student.

a. How are you?

 b. How do you do?

C. What do you do?

d. What's going on?


25.  A: Where do you live?


a. I live in Palangkaraya

b. I work as a teacher.

c. I live with my aunt.

d. I've lived here since 2012.

26.   A:.......

B. I’m seventeen years old

a. How's life?

b. How old are you?

c. When were you born?

d. When was your birthday?

27. the daughter of my uncle is my...

a. sister

b. niece

c. nephew

d. cousin


For number 28 to 30, choose the correct pronouns!

28. Mother always thinks of ... children before thinking about....


a. she-she

b. hers - herself

c. she herself

d. her-herself

29.  Mrs. Lusi has three children.... names are Sofi, Tasya, and Tiara. Mrs. Lusi loves... so much.

a. they - they

b. their-them

c. her- they

d. she - her

30. This book is not.... It is ....

 a. my-yours

b. you – me

C. your-mine

d. mine-yours



a.       two thousand twenty two

b.      two hunred twenty two

c.       twenty twenty two

d.      two thousand two hundred two

32. Selamat pagi

a. good afternoun

b. good nigh

c. good morning

d. good evening

33. Grand father

a. nenek

b. ibu

c. kakak ipar

d. kakek

34. good bye

a. selamt datang

b. selamat tinggal

c. selamat bertemu kembali

d. selamat pagi

35. see you tomorrow

a. sampai jumpa besok

b. sampai jumpa malam nanti

c. selamat malam

d. selamat pagi

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