Halooo.... Semoga bermanfaat

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2022




1. X : I think TV program is … than radio.
Y :i agree with you. TV has audio and visual system.
A. less interesting
B. more interesting
C. worse
D. the worst

2. Tania : I like the “Galaxy radio” very much. The programs are very interesting.
Vira : I know, it is good, but the “Family Radio” is …
A. good
B. worse
C. better
D. bad

3. Andi : We are in hurry. How should we go, Dul?
Dullah : I think motorcycle will be better, because it is … than bike.
A. fast
B. faster
C. slow
D. slower

4. Maman : I have to go to Jakarta tomorrow, but I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket. How can I go there?
Ilyas : You can go there by an economy-class train.
Maman : How about the executive-class?
Ilyas : It’s … the economy-class, but it is more expensive.
A. better than
B. the worst
C. worse than
D. the best

5. X : How did Andy jog in the race?
Y : he jogged quickly.
X : Really? How about Cendy?
Y : He was the winner. So he jogged …
A. as quickly as the others
B. more quickly than Andy
C. very quickly
D. the quickest of all

6. Child : Which bomb killed people, in Bali or at Marriott Hotel?
Father : The bomb in Bali killed about two hundred people. While at Marriott hotel there were ten people killed.
Child : So we can say that … than the one at Marriott Hotel.
Father : yes, that’s right.
A. the bomb in Bali killed more people
B. the bomb in Bali killed less people
C. the bomb at Marriott killed as many people
D. the bomb at Marriott Hotel killed more people

7. Putri : Was Indonesian team as strong as Japan?
Nanda : No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.
Putri : But …, China, Japan or Indonesia?
Nanda : China.
A. which team is the strongest
B. which team is the weakest
C. which country plays better
D. which country plays better

8. He speaks … as his father.
A. more clearly
B. clearer
C. as clear
D. as clearly

9. Ani’s bag is cheap, and so is Rani’s. Ani’s bag is … as Rani’s.
A. the same cheap
B. as price
C. as cheaper
D. the same price

10. My watch is … than yours.
A. good
B. better
C. best
D. the same

11. Aprilia : Can you help me to do my English home work?

Jodi : ...English is my favorite subject.

Aprilia : Thank you.

A. Let's go

B. I'm sorry, I can't

C. I'd love to, but I dislike English

D. With pleasure


12. Fani : Can you help me, Andi?

Andi : Sorry,...

A. you're welcome


B. you look very busy

C. I'm busy myself

D. I'm happy you are busy


13. Marry :...to Lina's birthday party?

Putri : Of course. I'll go there with Raka

Marry : Thanks a lot

A. Will you come

B. Can you come

C. May you come

D. Don't you come


14. Lina : I want to come to my birthday party tonight.

Aliana : ...I have a lot of of homework.

A. Very good

B. That is a good idea

C. Sorry, I can not

D. I agree with you


15. Mr. Heri :Attention, please!

Arif : Yes, sir.

The underline word is expression of...

A. asking opinion

B. giving opinion

C. responding attention

D. Showing appreciation


16. MrsRina : May I have your attention, please?

Students : ...

The best response to complete dialogue above is...

A. Yes, please

B. Yes, Ma'am

C. Yes, Sir

D. Thank you


17. There are expression of asking attention...

A. Excuse me

B. I know

C. You are amazing

D. I don't know


18. The room is too dark. Please...the lamp.

A. turn down

B. turn on

C. turn over

D. turn off

19. Mrs. Luna: What do you think of our new house?

Dini : . . . . I don’t have any place to put my stuff.
A. i think it’s beautiful

B. it’s the best house

C. it’s too small for me

D. i agree with you

20. Dana is very well in playing guitar, but he worst in singing a song”

The sentence means that Dana …
A. Can not play guitar

B. Can play guitar

C. Can sing

D. Can sing with guitar

Dear Ariani

Congratulations on your winning at the regional chess competition!
Your hard work has been paid off.
Wishing you get the best result in the higher competition.
Good luck!


21. Why does Samson send the greeting card?
A. To compliment Ariani on her success.
B. To congratulate Ariani on her winning.
C. To encourgeAriani to be successful.
D. To wish Ariani win in the higher competition.

22. How does Samson probably fell when giving the greeting card to Ariani?
A. Proud
B. Anxious
C. Amused
D. Surprised

The following test is for question 23 to 24.

My love Futu,

Now you are turning 23.
Wishing your birthday full of joy and wonderful memories.
Happy Birthday!
May you have a healthy and long life and grab the briht future!


23. Vandra writes the text in order to …..
A. thank
B. apologise
C. compliment
D. congratulate

24. What is the relationship between Vandra and Futu?
A. Siblings
B. Girlfriend
C. Pen pals
D. Schoolmates

The following test is for question 25 to 26.

Dear Susanti,

On the sad of loss your beloved mommy,
With our deepest sympathy

May your beloved mommy rest in peace.
We do apologise we cannot come to the funeral.
Wish you and your family hold on tightly and full of patience.

Warm regards,
Tito and family

25.     What is the writers’ intention to write the card?
A. To show their sadness.
B. To express their condolences.
C. To wish Susanti and family be fine.
D. To support Susanti to face her hard time.

26.     From the text we know that….
A. Tito’s family cares for Susanti
B. Tito’s mother has passed away
C. Tito’s family attend the funeral
D. Susanti father has passed away

Dear Rendra,

Sorry to hear you feeling unwell.
In your rest and heal,
I do hope yo recover soon.
I believe staying at your lovely home lead you fast recovery.
I know you are strong and can pass this situation.
Keep spirited!


27. Feby want to …. Rendra through this card.
A. cure
B. examine
C. support
D. accompany


28. From the text, we know that Rendra is …..
A. sick
B. fine
C. healthy
D. hospitalized

The following test is for question 29 to 30.

Sekar, congratulations! it’s a grat achievement to be one of the leading roles in a soap opera that will be aired next month. i know it’s just the first step to become a famous actress. i wish you will always be the best.


29. Tutus congratulates Sekar because…..
A. she will create a soap opera
B. she is a famous actress now
C. she is nominated in a soap opera
D. her soap opera will be broadcast soon


30. “i know it’s just the first step to become a famous actress”
The bolded word is closest in meaning to …..
A. happy
B. wonderful
C. popular
D. interesting



The text below is for the questions number 31 – 35.


Dear Johnson,


My classmates and I went to visit Prambanan Temple on my last school holiday. Prambanan Temple is one of the big temples in my country. The biggest temple in my country is Borobudur Temple. However, Prambanan Temple is very good and wonderful.

There are many reliefs on the walls of the temples. The guide told us that the reliefs tell stories related to the temples. Many visitors from my country and from other countries come here to see the temples, take some pictures, and learn the history.

It was a really nice experience! I hope you can come here and visit Prambanan Temple someday.







31. Who sent the letter?

a. Classmates

b. Visitors

c. Mira

d. Johnson


32. What does the relief on the temple wall tell us?

a. Stories

b. Holiday

c. Visitors

d. Temples


33. Whom did Mira go to visit Prambanan Temple with?

a. Her classmates

b. Her principal

c. The guide

d. The visitors


34. “Many visitors from my country and from other countries come here to see the temples…”

The underlined word refer to …

a. The relief

b. Prambanan Temple

c. The visitors

d. Borobudur Temple


35. The visitors come to Prambanan to do some activities, except …

a. Taking some pictures

b. Learning the history

c. Measuring the temples

d. Seeing the temples



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